Mediation Fee Information


$1000 -  $3000 per party most full days based upon the issues, amount in controversy and number of parties.  Full Day – 9:30am – 5:00pm.  Additional time billed at $200/per hour, per party, after 6:00pm.


$700 – $1000 per party based upon the issues, amount in controversy and number of parties.  Morning Session – 9:00am – 12:30pm or Afternoon Session – 1:30pm – 5:00pm


Fees are set on a case by case basis.

A typical full-day mediation begins at 9:30am, includes a working lunch and continues until completed.  Mediations may be scheduled earlier or later at the request of the parties.  While most sessions conclude by approximately 5:00pm, a session may extend into the evening as long as efforts seem to be productive.  Hourly charges and expenses are discretionary and may be imposed after 5:00pm.

Only a small percentage of cases require more than one mediation session.  However, if subsequent sessions are needed, they will be scheduled by mutual consent of the parties.  Second day mediations may be scheduled on an hourly basis at the request of the parties.  The fee is based upon the amount in controversy and number of parties involved.  The amount in controversy is the aggregate amount of all claims for affirmative relief, excluding attorney’s fees, exemplary damages and costs.  All parties represented by the same attorney or law firm are considered a single party for the purposes of the mediation fee.